THINKCirEco Project: Empowering Adult Educators for a Circular Economy Future!

We’re thrilled to share the 3rd Newsletter of the THINKCirEco Erasmus+ Project, which aims at equipping adult educators with the tools to engage NEETs and low-skilled adults in the Circular Economy. It presents EntreComp for Circular Economy Training, which aims to empower educators to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and Circular Economy competences in their learners.

Meet the Think CirEco Partners:
Diputación Provincial de Valladolid – Spain
Formative Footprint (FF) – Spain
@ICONIC – Interactive Cluster of New Media Industry City of Iasi – Romania
@European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence – Austria
E-School Educational Group-Eu Projects – Greece
Madiba Cooperativa Sociale – Italy

Visit our website for more information and to stay updated on the project’s progress:

#THINKCirEco #ErasmusPlus #CircularEconomy #SustainableFuture #Entrepreneurship

THINKCirEco Project: Empowering Adult Educators for a Circular Economy Future!