!The Superhero Lab Pan-European Conference! Are you passionate about building a more sustainable future? Do you want to connect with kindergarten teachers and education professionals across Europe and share your ideas and practices? Then join us for the Pan-European Digital Conference on Sustainability through STEM subjects, taking place on April 25th, 2024! This virtual event will bring together individuals, experts, and organizations from all over Europe to share Save the Date and Stay Tuned for more details! Until then:
❗ Are you a kindergarten teacher wishing to connect with other kindergartens across Europe? Follow the community of our project at:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/erasmuskindergartens #KA220 #SuperheroLab #ErasmusPlus #Sustainability #EarlyChildhoodEducation #STEM #KindergartenTeachers #PanEuropean Conference

The Superhero Lab Pan-European Conference!