FUTURE – 2nd TPM in Romania (Constanza)

The second transnational meeting (TPM) of the FUTURE project, which took place in Constanza, Romania on 3 April 2024, was successfully held, with host partner Asociata TEAM 4 Excellence (T4E) and participants Asociación para el Empleo, la Inclusión y el Desarrollo (ASEID) (Portugal – coordinator), E-School Educational Group (Greece), and Efektas Group (Lithuania). The partners assessed the project’s progress to date and planned the next tasks and activities based on the Project Application and how best to meet the project’s objectives. The meeting’s atmosphere was warm, cooperative, and professional, which contributed to building the partners’ relationships and to their dedication to achieving the project’s objectives. The partners renewed their appointment for the next meeting, the LTTA in Portugal in September.

#entrepreneurship #digitalskills #greenskills #youth #ErasmusPlus

ASEID Asociación para el Empleo, la Inclusión y el Desarrollo
Efektas Group
E-School Educational Group-Eu Projects

FUTURE – 2nd TPM in Romania (Constanza)