Did you know that 🤔
The transition to circular economy is an opportunity to transform the economy and make it more sustainable. 🥳
For an efficient Circular Economy (EC) of resources in the food and beverage industry, the policies of the European Commission recommend the following 👍:
– Measures to prevent food waste;
– Common methodology for measuring food waste in the EU;
– Creating a platform for food waste “stakeholders”;
– Clarification of the EU legislation to facilitate the donation of food;
– Improving comprehension of marked data without compromising food safety and quality;
– Maintaining waste as a source of energy, being a waste management option;
– Consumer education and change of public attitudes towards reducing the amount of waste.
The Erasmus+ ThinkCirEco project helps us to understand and use the Circular Economy in our field of activity. For more details click here 👉 https://bit.ly/3IDGJAA

Working with Formative Footprint Diputación Provincial de Valladolid Ecece Excellence Madiba Cooperativa Sociale E-School Educational Group-Eu Projects

#thinkcirecoedu #ErasmusPlus #constanta #entrecomp #circulareconomy